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Aragorn Quinn, Ph.D. in Japanese '15

Unsplash bookshelf image by kazuend

“My graduate school years in EALC were truly magical. Having the resources to pursue my research wherever it might lead allowed me to ask questions and learn more than I ever thought possible before joining the department. Throughout my studies, the talent of the people around me inspired me to push myself beyond my comfort zone. But EALC stands out for its culture of cooperation and teamwork. Everyone in the department, from faculty to staff to students, is genuinely interested in the success of everyone else. My fellow grad students were not competing with each other—we were all pulling in the same direction. There are many other departments in well-funded institutions filled with talented individuals. What I found so uniquely special about EALC is how focused it is on building and maintaining that rare dynamic of the whole being greater than the sum of its individual parts.

- Aragorn Quinn, Ph.D. in Japanese ‘15
Associate Professor of Japanese and Japanese Program Coordinator at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

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