Ronald Egan

Ronald Egan
Stanford W. Ascherman, M.D. Professor
Ph.D., Harvard University, Dept. of East Asian Languages and Civilizations (1976)
A.M., Harvard University, Dept. of East Asian Languages and Civilizations (1974)
B.A., University of Washington, Dept. of Far Eastern Languages and Literatures (1970)
Research Area(s) Description
Research areas include traditional Chinese poetry, aesthetics, literary culture, social history, storytelling, and the relations between the literary and visual arts. Current projects include a study of Hong Mai's *Yijian zhi* (12th c.), a translation of the complete poetry and prose of Li Qingzhao, and inscriptions of Tang poetry on paintings of the Ming-Qing period.
Research Areas:
- Chinese Poetry
- Song dynasty Poetry and literati Culture
- The social and historical context of Song dynasty aesthetics


Research Interests

Research Area(s)