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  • In the News

Haiyan Lee, the Walter A. Haas Professor in the Humanities and Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures and of Comparative Literature, was appointed the William and Dorothy Kaye University Fellow in Undergraduate Education for extraordinary…

  • Students

Riley Seow, Complit major, won 1st place in the Humanities Category at the GW Institute for Korean Studies (GWIKS) for her paper Sinking Ships: Yi Seungjun’s In the Absence and Opposing Temporalities.

Riley's paper advisor…

  • Faculty Spotlight

Professor Ban Wang Publishes New Book "China in the World"

In China in the World, Ban Wang traces the evolution of modern China from the late nineteenth century to the present. With a focus on tensions and connections between…

  • Awards

Hong Song (MA '22, East Asian Studies) was awarded the 2nd annual Connie Chin Memorial Writing in East Asian Studies, for his paper "In the World of Disorder: Trafficking, Vagabonds, and State in Late Qing…

  • In the News

We would like to introduce our incoming graduate cohort for Autumn 2022!  We send the members a very warm welcome: we're so glad you're joining the EALC department.

We include a brief profile provided by each of…