East Asian Humanities Workshop: "Ming-Qing Painting as a Composite Art: The Interplay of Painted Images and Inscribed Words," Professor Ronald Egan

Wed January 26th 2022, 4:30 - 6:00pm
Event Sponsor
East Asian Humanities Workshop
Remote: Zoom
(Link to be shared with registered participants)
Professor Ronald Egan

Photo Credit: Ai Tran

Ronald Egan is the Confucius Institute Professor of Sinology in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Stanford University. His research areas include traditional Chinese poetry, aesthetics, literary culture, social history, storytelling, and the relations between the literary and visual arts. Current projects include a study of Hong Mai's *Yijian zhi* (12th c.), a translation of the complete poetry and prose of Li Qingzhao, and inscriptions of Tang poetry on paintings of the Ming-Qing period.

In June 2021, Professor Egan was elected to the American Philosophical Society.